Sunday 9 June 2019

Padlet Learning Story

We have been learning about a new tool to show our learning.  Our tool was a padlet.
You can make arrows that connect ideas or pieces of information.  You can add pictures to
show your ideas or information.

We have used a padlet to communicate our ideas about the stories we've learnt about
Porirua.  We've been thinking about how knowing our past helps us prepare for our future.

I made some connections on our class padlet.  
I connected  Governor Gray to the New Zealand company because they both bought land
and gave it to the settlers.

I connected Te Rauparaha  to Wairau valley because a big fight happened there and he was there.

I am connected to Porirua Harbour because I live here.

Monday 18 June 2018


Luciano's Term 2 Fitness Learning Story

How do I maintain my fitness and know how it helps me be healthy?

I know some activities to help me keep up my fitness.  They are…
Running and sports.  

I know why fitness is important for me.
The reasons why it’s good for me are…
Because you become fit and strong.
I know I have improved my fitness.
At the beginning, I could run 4 laps
Now I can run 7 laps

Thursday 17 May 2018

Reading Poetry

Reading Poetry Learning Story Term 2

No sun
Author:James Brown
This poem is about the sun
Going a way
How has the author made this poem effective?
A rhyme-died/survived, night/candlelight
Great words I found
I liked this poem because…
It's cool and my type of poem because when it talks about No Sun, I think of in the dark and just peace and quiet.  


Luchiano’s Algebra Learning Story- Term 2

I am learning to explain my Algebra knowledge about growing patterns.

Level 1- Can make and continue simple patterns
Level 2- Can represent the way a pattern grows using a drawing or materials.  
  • Can talk about how the pattern is growing
Level 3- Uses a table or chart to record the way the variables relate to each other.  
  • Can use equations to prove how a pattern might be represented at the n’th point.
Level 4- Can use a graph to represent the way variables of a pattern relate to each other.
Can explain how equations prove how a pattern might be represented at the n’th point.

Sunday 22 April 2018


Luchiano’s Term 1 Reading Learning Story
How do we make meaning from the texts we read using a range of reading strategies?
I chose this Library book to read at
silent reading time because it looked cool.

I located information in the story that told me the boy is facing a monster that
is made out of rock.
I located this information where the book showed me it.
I worked out that the beast used to be in the rocks.  
I used the clues that the beast was stomping and the pictures showed me it
stomping its way to the boy.  I saw him coming out of the cracks.
I found out that an important idea in the story is the boy found the monster
and the monster was about to destroy the people and the city.  
I used what I know about Zac Power and ideas from the story about Boy Vs
Beast to work out because nobody knows where he lives and what his name is.   
I liked reading this book because it interested me and it felt like when I was 6
in room 5 reading the Zac Power books.  


Luchiano’s Art Learning Story

The problem:
How do I communicate what Bothamley Park is like using the style of Colin Mc.Cahon?

What we did:
We draw a pitcher of bothamley price wife sketching pens owl. Then we had a Practice. Then painted.
We used paint brushes with water then we painted and we  coloured.

Here is a photo of my art:

Success Criteria:  To represent the environment I saw at Bothamley Park , I will use-
  • The media (materials) of watercolours on paper
  • Have an eye like a scientist
  • A range of geometric shapes and lines
  • Repeated shapes and patterns
  • Representations of bothamley park
(highlight the success criteria you achieved)

My Learning:  (Choose 2 to write about)
  • I was good ….. Because….
  • I got better at ….. because…..
  • It is hard to ….. because…..
  • I feel ….. when….. because…..
  • My next steps are ….. because…..
  • I am going to achieve my next steps by focussing….. Because…..
  • I used the key competency of ________ as learning power because…..
  • I needed to use the key competency of _______ as learning power because....
  • ________ thinks I am good at ….. because…..

I was good at Representing bothamley park Because Remind me of
Colin McCahon.

I Got better  at keeping an eye on a  scientist because focus on my

I am going to achieve my  next step by getting better at painting and
not keep my eye on a scientist because I need to focus having a eye
on Colin McCahon.